
My Profile

Name | Contact | Other

Basic Contact Information

Your Organization(m):
If you can't find your organization search for it HERE . If it is not in the database or if it is not listed incorrectly please let us know.
Organization Type(m):
City(m): , State/Prov.(m):
Postal Code(m):
Preferred Phone(m):
Phone 2(o):
Phone 3(o):
Email(m): This can be different from our login email. If you need to change your login email you need contact the my.ABSA.org Help Desk.
URL(m): (personal website, bio, Facebook, etc.)
Best Contact(m): Please indicate the best way to contact you.
Member of ABSA-associated group(m):
If you can't find your organization listed here please let us know.
To select multiple items hold down the CTRL key (Windows) or the Command key (Apple)

(required fields in red)
(p)=information available to the public
(m)=information only available to ABSA members
(o)=information only available to ABSA office and appropriate committees

You may fill out your profile as completely as you wish and may change it whenever you want. We request that you at minimum fill out your Name and Contact info.

Your profile information is used by Members Directory, Speaker's Bureau, the Registry of Expertise, and the Mentoring Program. It also allows the office, council and committees to identify appropriate ABSA members for various programs and opportunities. Of course, the non-public information you give on this site will NOT be shared with outside organizations.

Who has access to this information?

All data is marked with
(p), (m), or an (o):
(p)=info available to the public
(m)=info only available to ABSA members
(o)=info only available to ABSA office and appropriate committees